Why Attend

Benefits of attending Future Tire 2018:
- Gain an overview of the tire industry as a whole
- Find out more information regarding the EU legislation changes and updates
- Explore the future of the tire industry, looking at alternative ingredients and competition facing natural rubber
- Meet relevant industry professionals in a setting that will facilitate networking
- Examine issues relating to sustainability and recycling
- PLUS, your 2018 Future Tire Conference registration includes a FREE visitor ticket to The Tire Cologne exhibition!
Who will you meet?
VPs, Heads, Directors and Managers of:
- Research and Development
- Product Development
- Technical Innovation
- Quality
- Safety
- Tire Development
- Purchase Tire
- Marketing
- Business Development
- Technology
- Fleet Management
- Supply Chain
- Tire Companies
- Automotive Companies
- Material Producers
- Service Providers

Registration is Now Closed - See You Next Year!