Stephan Rau, Technical Director, WDK
1. Please identify one significant development in the tire industry in the last 2-3 years, and explain its importance.
The unique identification of tyres through RFID/QR/BAR-Codes
– This development will change the way we apprehend service in the tyre world.
2. What do
you see as main obstacles to the development of the tire manufacturing industry
in the coming years?
Unjustified regulations on CO2 and Stricter Environmental
Laws that are not fact based.
3. Which technologies will play the biggest role in shaping
the ‘tire factory of the future’, and why? And what major changes do you expect
to see in tire manufacture and supply over the next few years?
The transition to an even “lower interest product” in a
shared and autonomous vehicle economy – if you don’t own, you don’t bother and
don’t want the hassle!