Guido Hüffer, Managing Director, Goodyear Dunlop Handelssysteme GmbH
1. Please identify one significant development in the tire industry in the last 2-3 years, and explain its importance.
The most important drivers of Tire Retail business were and
still are the increasing complexity of car technology and further
digitalisation. The digitalisation leads to a changing consumer behaviour and
to changing consumer needs which need to be addressed by tire retailers with
new products, services and new ways of communication to be successful.
Furthermore tire dealers are confronted with increasing complexity in car
technologies which drives the necessity in investing heavily new
tools/technologies and also qualification of dealer staff.
2. What do you see as main obstacles to the development of
the tire manufacturing industry in the coming years?
The main challenge for tire dealers in the future will be
the recruiting of new employees that have the right qualification for the
advanced tire retail business. Furthermore tire dealers need to invest heavily
in new technologies and IT-tools. Both factors will be challenging for the tire
3. Which technologies will play the biggest role in shaping
the ‘tire factory of the future’, and why?
All technologies that will help to understand and predict
the consumer needs successfully will play major roles in the future for tire
dealers. Many market players already building new ways how to interact with
consumers based on predicted consumer needs. The tire dealer of the future will
be the proactive service provider for different customer groups like private
consumers, fleet drivers and fleet organisations. The new communication between
dealers and consumers will be more individual, based on specific customer needs
and will be just in time.
4. What major changes do you expect to see in tire
manufacture and supply over the next few years?
The trend of further market concentration will continue.
Especially vertical distribution channels will continue to win in the market.